Labels:text | screenshot | font OCR: These are the main file options for the filebase: (L)ist files - this brings up a list of the types of listing you can have, like find a file (search), new files, etc. When you are listing you can use the up/ down cursor keys to go up/down the files list and ENTER to mark/un-mark files. Pressing (S) will STOP file listing. If you have done a search and nothing is displayed, that means not files were found - press return and try a different file or description to search for. (U)pload file(s) - this uploads file(s) into the current section, if you are in one of the linked sections, it will bring up the section lister asking you for a real section as you cannot upload to linked sections. If the sysop has set an archive tester up, it will test your archives in the background afterwards. (Downl ...